My Story
I grew up in Atkinson, NH and graduated from Timberlane Regional High School in 1973. I've been a blue-collar worker my entire working career. I live with my husband in Dublin. My husband and I are both retired. I'm watching what is happening to our country and I will no longer stand back and watch. It's time for some common sense in Cheshire County District 18, Dublin, Jaffrey and Rindge.
Let me tell you what has brought me to run in this election. I never had any interest in politics, although I have voted in every election since I was 18. I will by no means ever consider myself a politician, even when I am elected to the NH House of Representatives. However, what has been going on in our county and country has changed me. I want my voice heard as I think most people do. By electing me, I will be your voice and represent you.
I am an average citizen who is tired of the elitist lead government that wants us average citizens to not be recognized as individuals, that are having our rights as US citizens whittled away, our Constitution disregarded, and our country overrun by those who disregard the law.
I am against mandates for unproven vaccines. This is a personal decision and is between you and your doctor. I will never support mandates.
Another concern is Taxes. I will advocate for fiscal responsibility and as your representative I will always fight against an income or sales tax, to cut taxes and to reduce regulations on small businesses. I am for a balanced budget, clean air and water, fighting against racism and discrimination in our schools, school choice and continuing the fight against opioid addiction, overdoses and deaths.
I obviously won’t get rich on $100.00 a year, driving back and forth to Concord, but I will do it to make a difference and bring our county’s voice to Concord with me.
I hope I can continue to earn your support and that you will join me in my campaign.
It's on to the General Election November 5.
See you at the polls.
"One of the keys to success is energy and Rita Mattson is loaded with it!"
Augusta Petrone, friend and fellow DAGOP member
"It is a pleasure to endorse Rita Mattson of Dublin, a candidate for the NH House of Representatives. Rita brings a robust conservative view, and she will not be one to vote because she is told to, instead, Rita is one who will take her time to thoroughly study and understand any House Bill that comes before her prior to casting a vote. I strongly urge the voters of Cheshire County District 18 - Dublin, Jaffrey and Rindge to support Rita Mattson in her run for NH State House."
Marilyn L. Huston, Past Cheshire County Republican Chair
"I am very pleased to be able to endorse Rita Mattson for State Representative. I have known Rita to be honest, straightforward and steadfast in her commitment to our communities and to the Republican values. I know she will continue to work hard to help keep this State strong. I ask that you join me in supporting Rita in her bid for election to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, to keep New Hampshire strong; and from becoming an extension of Massachusetts."
Claudia Stewart Republican Candidate for Cheshire County Commissioner, District 3